Making a Positive Impact Through Diverse Events and Support for Causes, Programs, and Deserving Individuals Around the World
Who We Are and What We Do...
Ramsey Charitable Trust Inc.
The Founder desired to give back in a diversity of ways to deserving Causes, Programs, and people. Each year, RCTInc sponsors and hosts various events ranging from Educational Lectures, Plays, Musical Performances, book signings, and Poetry readings to Social and Artistic gatherings and Presentations and multiple sporting competitions. At the end of each year, we select deserving groups and/or persons and distribute directly to them, some in cash, some in needed goods or other assistance. In the past, these have ranged from Mayo Clinic, The New Mexico Heart Hospital, The New Mexico Cancer Center, Trinity University, KRTU 91.7 FM, Best Friends Animal Society, Main Line Animal Rescue (Pennsylvania), Isaiah's (Soup Kitchen), Alcoholics Anonymous, Carrie Tingley Hospital, Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team, Animal Kinship, Bernalillo County Police Dog Vest Program, Arizona State University, St. Jude’s Children’s Research, NCADD, Many Faces 1 Voice, The Carmelite Monastery of Santa Fe, individual scholarships for religious, academic and scientific advancement, and numerous other people and organizations, who prefer remain anonymous.
“If we are fortunate, there comes a time in our lives when an event, large or small, negative or positive, brings us the understanding that the wonderful accessories of this world are not of themselves a goal, nor do we own them. They are a gift and a tool on loan to use while we journey through. It is then, with humility, we may begin to use the Laws of Attraction and Circulation to sharpen these tools to be turned toward the greater needs of creation and polish this gift for its next custodian. When this is practiced, one will experience the beauty and Grace in seeing, and perhaps even being, a small part of a manifestation done excellently. For it is in the simplest of tasks is found the greatest magic of God.
In Gratitude and Appreciation, I am blessed.” - Jeff Ramsey, Founder -